Friday, January 19, 2007

Lunatico - Sophia Kokosalaki, an emerging New York designer with inspiration from ancient Greek fashion sense. With the draping jackets, oversized jackets, and flamboyant colors, it's more pretty than hot, more cute than sleek, more coquette than sophisticated, but it's still fashion and it's still worth a look.

I realized that I've never taken enough time to thank my friends for providing over half the music in my music library, all of which I listen to. I don't know what I'd do without you guys; I'd probably still be listening to Matthew Shipp and William Parker over and over again.

Thanks to Kai for sharing the Gotan Project with me. This is quite honestly the third sexiest music I know, coming in just after Haddaway and Bjork. I'm joking of course. It actually pulls in at number one sexiest music, and Bjork comes in fourth.

This bears continuity to everything I was saying about French electronica...even though the lyrics in the majority of the songs are in Spanish. (The video below takes place in Buenos Aires.) There's still that little extra that the French do to their music that makes it so much better than say, Italian, Egyptian, or even British electronica.

As for Haddaway, um, don't ask...

Gotan Project - Diferente (Promo Video)

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I'm a little intrigued by WordPress over Blogger.
Blogspot could learn a thing or two from WordPress's design schemes and options. Moving over there could be an improvement, then again, it could also be a little messy given the integration my computer has with Google software.

I'm also a little intrigued by this whole concept of multiple authors on one blog. Within that scenario, posting would all show up on one page, but that would also eliminate the need for multiple users. But at the same time, it's nice retaining a little individuality, until I learn how to trick out Blogger to look like something I made.


Lukas: said...

Gotan Project is perfect for the time between 10 and 2.

What does WordPress have on blogger?

Mirko said...

You mean OTHER than an easy to use dashboard and a sick layout mod? A lot more features in general, I suppose.

Lukas: said...

Hmm. I guess that just about covers all the bases. I don't know, seeing as how I don't have wordpress.

Mirko said...

But as I was saying, I'm so integrated into Google with my deskbars and my toolbars and my random shit like that, that a switch to a non-Google-based account would be a little complicated.

Lukas: said...

That makes sense. All of my Google accounts just sorta work together. If I go from Gmail to Blogger, I'm already signed in and can go straight to posting, or whatever it is that I'm doing on blogger (most likely posting).

Mirko said...

That, and also I've got Google Syndication, and Google Desktop 2.0 with autoposting and all that good stuff.