The world revolves around you.
The world revolves around you.
No one else but you. And there's a reason for that.
The moment of revelation came to me during a rather awkward set of circumstance at the Carriagehouse Cafe. I had come over with Simon to listen to Alice Saltenzstall doing her thing with the Romantics. It's a crowded room; apparently they're a popular band. So we stand outside the cafe and hack for a bit before we go in and order drinks.
So we're sitting there, drinking and listening to jazz music and critisizing Raffi's taste in music, when suddenly, out of nowhere, there's our health teacher, dancing with a Dr. Phil lookalike.
And I go shit!
So, I know most are ACS materiel, but I seriously don't think I can stress enough that this woman is the most evil bitch to ever walk the hallways. So when she walks in the door, naturally my heart skips a beat.
But I was watching her dance with her Dr. Phil lookalike. Then a couple switch and she's dancing with a man who looks a bit like Chick Corea. She's wearing a red dress that would have looked great on anyone else, and she's spinning along and tapping along and having a great time in front of the entire cafe.
And I realized that seriously, while she might be the biggest bitch in the world, she's probably also the happiest one. I realized that it really doesn't matter what other people think of you, as long as you realize that no one else matters.
It's all about you.
And your dance. And you twirl. And you kiss. And you don't care that everyone might be looking at you with a fatal glare. Mmm, yes that's right. And you know why? Because if it doesn't exist the way you perceive things, it doesn't exist at all.
[19:03] inqualcanto: would you rather go psycho and know about every problem in the worldAnd it's not selfish either, certainly not. Why? Because everything we do is ultimately in our own self interest. If you look at the purpose of everything, in the end, it's all to satisfy your own cravings. Swingers? They do what they want. Humanitarians? They're so distraught by life that it calms them to know they're somehow helping out.
[19:03] inqualcanto: or be more or less ignorant and also be the happiest girl alive?
[19:03] inqualcanto: screw morals for a minute. screw what you know is good. what do you think you would ENJOY more?
[19:04] inqualcanto: sometimes you just gotta be like "world you bitch, stay out of my way."
* * *
So I would be habitually stalking people like I always do, but this isn't the right kind of crowd. I'll be downtown tommorow wasting my life away. Thanks to all of you who make the world revolve the way it does. Goodnight.
- Mirko
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